It's about time people were truly educated when it comes to nutrition, proper nutrition that is. Typical diets DO NOT WORK! The industry is full of DIS-Information. Companies want you to consume their products for profit. They don't care about your health. Most celebrities, as well as well known "Health Guru's" and "Fitness Gurus" are paid to promote ABSOLUTE CRAP!!!
I for one have NEVER tried any of the advertised nonsense concerning "Diets" or "Weight-Loss Products", and NEVER will. If you're savvy as well, neither will you. So on that note, lets get on with food products you should desperately try to avoid at all costs...
1) Concentrated Orange Juice...
As well as other concentrated juices like Cranberry and Apple. Why? Because many companies remove the FIBER and other nutrients out of the fruit during the "concentrating" process.
The fiber tends to reduce the spike in blood sugar. With the fiber removed, you're essentially left with just sugar water. When your blood sugar level is too high, it puts your body in "fat storing mode".
Blood sugar levels are directly related to Insulin levels, where Insulin is also known as your "fat storing hormone", which can cause weight gain because of blood sugar levels.
Processed foods also have excess sugar in them. Look for those foods that contain additives such as "Dextran" and "Dextrose", and avoid "High Fructose Corn Syrup" as well.
Prolonged high blood sugar levels can lead to Hypoglycemia and Diabetes. Diabetes is now the seventh largest cause of death in the U.S.
The FDA has recently disclosed that there are over 50 known poisons and toxins in the average American grocery cart!
2) Margarine
As well as many oils and spreads, margarine contain Trans Fat. Trans Fat is added to make it solid and keep from spoiling. Ingesting them can increase the risk for cardiovascular disease as well as weight gain.
Cardiovascular disease is rising, with heart disease being the number one killer in America.
Trans Fat also increase your LDL levels, (bad cholesterol), while whiping out your HDL levels, (good cholesterol), so it's a double whammy! Bad cholesterol builds up plaque in your arteries, leading to heart attack. So eat butter instead. Yes, it has fat too, but it's saturated fat that your body can burn for fuel instead of building plaque in your arteries.
3) Whole Wheat Bread
It's other breads as well. In fact, the only healthy bread to ingest is Multi-Grain.
Pastas and other "comfort foods" like Apple Pie, cakes, muffins, burgers and pizza are also included here. They make it harder to keep the weight off, known as "high carb" meals we all love.
This doesn't mean you can never eat them, you can. You just have to know when and how much, which is the secret to keeping the weight off.
The real key here is understanding how the body metabolizes these carbs and what causes the hunger cravings in the first place!
When carbs are combined with the right amount proteins, it doesn't raise your blood sugar levels.
There are two kinds of carbs; "Low Carbs", which are your greens, most veggies and some fruits, and "High Carbs", like pasta, bread, sweets...even beer and wine. When eaten by themselves, they can cause you to gain weight.
By combining the right ratios of carbs and proteins, your body will burn fat rather than store it. It will also keep your Cortisol levels in check, which is a hormone that causes cravings by stimulating the adrenal gland, caused by stress.
Stress is another major factor that tends to make us all eat the wrong foods. Eating right will keep your stress level to a minimal, which in turn will keep your Cortisol levels down and help you maintain a healthy eating habit. This includes mental stress as well as physical by the way.
The more stress, the more weight gain which typically winds up around the belly area.
This is why typical diets DO NOT WORK! Most diets will tend to starve the metabolism, which is not good for your cortisol levels and builds stress. They in turn increase your blood sugar levels, which you don't want. That is why you see many people on diets lose weight temporarily, then within a few months time, put the weight back on, or even gain more weight than before!
Typical diets are useless, they tend to destroy one's Adiponectin, which is your natural fat burner. You want to keep your Adiponectin at optimum levels to increase your weight loss. Green Tea is a great herb that helps to increase levels of Adiponectin. Adiponectin also helps as an anti-inflamatory, which eases swelling associated with weight gain.
4) Processed Soy
Soymilk, tofu, and soy protein are just a few products that companies consistently sell us as being health alternatives. NOT TRUE! Once again, it's in the PROCESSING...many soy products are highly processed and 91% of soy grown in the U.S. is (GM) genetically modified.
Recent research from a recent study shows that unnatural or processed soy has a direct connection to infertility and reproductive problems, as well as being linked to increase in allergies, as well as malnutrition, digestive distress, immune-system breakdown, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline...even cancer and heart disease. Read more on this here:
Many "Processed Foods" can throw your hormones out of balance. What happens during the "processing" of foods is that many of the vital nutrients and minerals are stripped out and as much as 90% of the phytonutrient content is lost during the process. Phytonutrients are the disease-fighting medicines found in foods, causing weight gain and serious health problems by throwing your hormones off balance.
Another such hormone is "Ghrelin". The more Grehlin your body produces, the more appetite and hunger cravings increase. When the food you ingest doesn't have the right nutrients, Grehlin is turned on and causes you to think you're hungry...even when you're not. Ghrelin is the hormone responsible for those late night feeding frenzies. Adding foods such as snap peas, green beans and other legumes to your meals will decrease ghrelin and help balance your metabolism.
5) Corn
Not just any corn, but "GM" (genetically modified) corn. There's that "Genetically Modified" term again! GMO's as their known, short for Genetically Modified Organism, are banned in many countries.
When it comes to GM corn, a study published in the International Journal of Biological Sciences shows that GMO corn and other GM foods are the contributing factors to the obesity epidemic and also causing problems with vital organs. More on that here:
You'll find other foods included in the GMO list as well, such as "Gluten Free" Corn Cereal, Corn Puffs, Flakes and Honey Coated Oats to name a few. There are dozens more, so do your research and educate yourself. Here is another article for great info on this:
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Latia Del Riviero |
So there you have it. You can change your health, weight and life just by making better food choices and knowing WHEN to eat, HOW to eat, as well as WHAT NOT to eat.
I've been researching and implementing healthy food habits for decades now. My fiance, Latia Del Riviero has also helped me further my knowledge in this topic, as she has been in the fitness industry for over 35 years now, and keeps herself looking absolutely incredible day in, and day out. I strongly suggest you take this information and implement it to your greatest advantage. Should you decide to change your eating habits by cutting out these foods, I guarantee you'll lose the weight naturally, gain tons of energy and feel youthful once again. The choice is ultimately yours of course.
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Andrew Callegati and Latia Del Riviero |
Should you have any foods that you know others should not eat, feel free to share in the comments below...
To your health and wellness!
A. Callegati
"A True Fitness Guru"
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